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Vapes and Cytisine are now available from Everyone Health to help you stop smoking!

Posted by: Ryan Hampson-Miller - Posted on:

If you are aged 18+, live in Staffordshire and want to stop smoking tobacco for good, we can help with 12-weeks FREE behavioural support and FREE stop smoking medication.

Along with the standard offer of Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Everyone Health can now offer you:

  • A vape and e-liquids to help you stop smoking by easing your withdrawal symptoms. The vaping device and e-liquids provided are regulated under UK standards ensuring that only high-quality products are used to support you to stop smoking.

·         Cytisine to help you stop smoking by reducing your urge to smoke. Cytisine is a safe, effective stop smoking medication which comes in tablet form, and is taken for 25 days.

Contact Everyone Health to start your quit journey today by calling 0333 005 0095 or Text QUIT to 60777.  Alternatively, pleasevisit our website for further information  Stop Smoking – Everyone Health Staffordshire